Why Past Life Regression?
Let’s start with my story. Before I had my first session, I had so many questions about what this method of hypnotherapy would do to me or for me. So, I studied and studied. Read books, followed people I admired and looked up to, and that’s how I started my practice. Initially, I knew of Delores Cannon well before I met up with my most current mentor, who so happens to be the first person I had my very first past life regression session with. By the time I had my second session with her, I was ALL IN! This was the way to experience who I was to better understand who I am now. I was also able to come to terms with some belief systems I had, and now understood where they stemmed from. Also, in doing this Past Life Regression session, I was able to connect and FEEL my guides with me. I was given the answer’s to all of my questions from my higher self/oversoul, and so much more. So, here I sit writing to you, telling you how this absolutely healed some old wounds, and brought forth a better understanding of my mission here on Earth. I’m so blessed to be sitting here, and hopefully sitting with you one day to share this with others.